A heart warming day facilitated by Tanja Faber. A day of receiving and being in the present. Heartdancing, Cocoa ceremony, sharing circle, and ritual 

In the morning session we connect with ourselves and each other in Heartdancing. A natural way to move, to meet and encounter your needs and respect your bounderies. A space to explore and experience yourself in activation, playfullness, diving into tenderness and your inner world.  Giving space to whatever is there in the moment. Listening to what your body needs. 


After lunch cocao will warm and open your heart a bit further. With the warmth in your heart, we enter the afternoon preparing ourselves for the gift of receiving in a special ritual. In small groups, you shall be honored as a woman. You will receive exactly that what you need in that moment. A surprise ....so no more info ;-)


Friday 17 January 2025
Location: Safe Haven, Endegeesterstraatweg 5, Oegstgeest/ kruising Goudvinklaan
Price: € 65 
Time: 10:00-17:00 (doors open at 9:20)
Bring: yoga cushion or sheeps skin, extra warm socks, food to share (don't bring too much), your own lockable bottle and mug.

No refund of registration fee when cancelled within 14 days before start of the workshop, so from 3 January 2025. In case of cancelation we charge € 25 cancelation costs/administration costs.

A nourishing winter day to connect with your heart, your life energy, like minded people and to open yourself for the gift of receiving. Welcome!